Tragically last week, Skydive Spaceland lost a very dear
friend when Michael Scott Bell, 35, passed away in a skydiving accident. Some of you might know Scott as
he greeted you with a smile as you boarded the aircraft before your
jump. Some might remember Scott as the person who helped keep the
hangar spotless and the property well groomed, and who ran, not walked, to
take care of his responsibilities. No matter how you
remember Scott, we will all remember him as a friend and brother who
loved each of us as he did life itself.
Please join us this weekend for
a benefit event to remember his life.
A day for remembering one we've lost
and celebrating the life
he lived.
This Saturday, November 17, 2007
Skydive Spaceland
Fun skydives
Raffles will occur throughout the day. Gear, dinners, main and reserve
pack jobs, and more have been donated by local skydivers, and
businesses Larsen and Brusgaard, Wings, Infinity, Firefly, Mirage and
many other suppliers. Any additional donations for the raffles are welcome;
contact Eric Boyd at
eric@SkydiveSpaceland.com to make a donation. For an up-to-date
list of raffle items, see
topic in the Spaceland forums.
Embroidery of hats, shirts, or whatever will be
available from Melissa Miller.
Food (donated by the Texas
Skydiving Association)
All proceeds from food sales, gear
raffles, and embroidery, and a percentage of all skydives, will go to Scott's family. If
you would like to meet his family and share your stories about Scott,
they will be here on Saturday.
If you would like to make a donation to the family, a
trust at Compass Bank is set up under the name of Scott Bell. The
account information is: Scott Bell Benefit Account, account #71871193.
You can also donate via
PayPal; the account is scottbell@skydivespaceland.com.
Thanks for your help and support. --The Staff and Friends at Skydive Spaceland |