Nationals, T minus 2 days (Saturday, 10/10)
Keep checking this page for updates and photos throughout the day!
2:30 pm: This place is awfully busy for a drop zone on a weather hold! Preparations are still going on, the parking lot's almost full, judges are arriving, there's dirt diving and creeping, and there's plenty of barbecue to be had for lunch!

Bakers Ribs says they can feed 700 people barbecue with this setup... they might get to prove it!

In the meantime, we've got a little more DZ touring to do... check out the spiffy new bunkhouse/showerhouse (16 bunks, bathrooms, and laundry):

Each of the two bunk rooms has eight beds. Some are still available for $15/night, call manifest at 281-369-3337 to reserve one.

The new showerhouse adds several toilets and two showers each for men and women in addition to the bathrooms and showers in the main hangar.

Plus there are two washers and dryers each for men and women.
2:45 pm: It's still cloudy, but brightening... get on the manifest if you want to jump, I heard a rumor they've manifested out 12 loads plus tandems...
3:25 pm: I see sunbeams! They're not jumping yet, but that layer is definitely breaking up. :-)
3:45 pm: Rats! Load 1 was on about a 10-minute call, then got another weather hold. Stay tuned...

By the way, if you want to get the very quickest updates from Skydive Spaceland, follow us on Twitter at!
Lastly, another of Spaceland's Otters just came home from its travels, bringing the on-site Otter count to 5. We are so ready to go when this cloud layer breaks all the way up!
8:00 pm: Bummer of a day, no loads flew due to clouds. Bright side? The lack of jump operations let the staff focus on finalizing the remaining ground preps. We just got out of a staff meeting and everyone's really pumped about things, looking forward to kicking this thing off! Staff will be wearing red shirts with Nationals artwork front and back plus red staff badges, so if you need something while you're here, look for someone who fits that fabulously detailed description. :-)

Tami Jo Gertz, probably saying "Stow your brakes!"
Lastly but not leastly, the hangar will be open tomorrow at 6 am. The first practice loads are scheduled to start flying at 7:15 am.
See you all tomorrow... here's hoping the weather will improve and this blogger will get to make a jump or two!!!
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